What types of legal issues can I find providers for on WYLawHelp?
Do the providers listed on WYLawHelp charge money?
Most of the providers listed on the website offer free or reduced fee services. Lawyers found through the Lawyer Referral Directory may charge normal fees.
Anyone can use WYLawHelp. There are no eligibility restrictions.
Does it cost money to use WYLawHelp?
No. WYLawHelp is free.
Why do I need to enter how many people are in my household and my income?
Eligibility for free and reduced fee services is based on your household size and income (as well as other factors). Entering your household size and income allows you to see the services that you may be eligible for. The information you enter is anonymous.
Is there a way to see providers by geographic area?
No. Most of the legal services providers on WYLawHelp provide services across the state.
Can other services be added to the website?
Yes. If you know of a program that offers free or reduced fee legal services, please send us a message through the contact form.